Tools to Adapt and Heal with Licensed Acupuncturist Julie Meyer
Acupuncture Sessions are available for new and returning clients. To schedule, email or call or text (207) 200-3129.
Before you Arrive:If you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of sense of taste or smell, or other signs of a viral illness, or have been in close contact in the last 14 days with anyone with known or suspected COVID-19, let’s reschedule your appointment. Email, or call or text (207) 200-3129 as soon as possible.
Upon Arrival: In accordance with CDC recommendations for healthcare facilities, a mask will be worn in the treatment room.
On-line Intakes are still available for those who want to dive deeper into dialogue with the practitioner. However, they are no longer required for new patients before your first acupuncture session. Virtual sessions can be scheduled if you want longer conversation and more time for questions than can be provided in person during a 45-50 minute acupuncture session.
These sessions are useful for complex patterns and histories, and for people with strong interest in making life-style changes to support health. Please let the practitioner know by email, phone or text if you’re interested.